strengthen your company culture
Do you want to:
Provide casual facetime between staff and managers?
say thanks for a job well do
Find out more of what’s going on in your own organisation?
Allow people to get more comfortable with managers?
Provide casual opportunities for people to brainstorm and problem solve?
Strengthen relationships and trust between your employees?
Help people enjoy working for you and make them feel valued?
Improve morale and reduce turnover of staff?
Bring together employees that work in different departments?
Reduce social anxiety at work?
wait...Cake can do all this?
Coffee and cake transcends all boundaries! Whether just discussing the weather or last night’s Bake Off, the sports results or teething babies; people bond over social interaction and form relationships which can improve co-operation and ease the sticking points for getting things done within an organisation.
It's good to talk
Providing an environment for light social chat can ease the way into deeper conversations and provide some valuable head space for problem solving between different parts of your organisation who maybe don’t get together too often.
Supporting your Brand
A visit from Nicole also creates a great way of saying thank you – some time out and a de-stress for hard-working employees. We can even sticker up your cups or provide a voucher with a personalised message from you to your staff. And it makes a great backdrop to some photos to put on your company Facebook page! We can turn the dullest factory car park or shop floor into a special venue for a bit of an event, to make a cost and time-effective little team building occasion without leaving site!
Packaged to suit you
So whether it’s thanks for a job well done, or providing some down-time for ideas to develop in an unpressured environment, coffee and cake can be the answer! Whatever your event, we can put together a package to suit you, whether coffee and cake, a drinks party, a full afternoon tea or brunch.
make Corporate events a little less... corporate!
what we offer
From as little as £385 for 30 employees, we come to you with our friendly baristas to provide a picturesque and quirky backdrop to your event, and provide coffee (plus tea, hot chocolate, and a range of soft drinks) and home-made cake for your employees.
We prepare our little pop-up café (3 tables and 6 chairs) at your site with vintage coffee grinders and flowers on each table and a little bit of bunting.
Do you want to give your staff a personal message? We can personalise your cups and vouchers with your message and / or logo.
We use locally roasted coffee from boutique roastery Shining Stone prepared by trained baristas to ensure your coffee is prepared perfectly.
We can tailor your cake to the theme of your event, the season or your product, as required.

CAse Study
Midland Lead
"We are a family-owned business and we like to connect with our employees (50) and have a chat in a relaxed way every now and then, which we often don’t get the time for. The shop floor staff and the office staff often have different break times, so we used the occasion of the Royal Wedding as an ideal opportunity to get everyone together for coffee and cake in the car park.
This event worked really well for us - everyone really liked the coffee and the cake was fantastic. People of every age and gender like cake, and vegan and gluten free cake options were provided along with a range of hot and cold soft drinks, so that no one was left out. It really set the scene for a relaxed and amicable discussion between everyone."
Francoise Derkin, Marketing Manager, Midland Lead, Woodville, Leicestershire

our credentials
We are members of NCASS (National Catering association) so can provide you with all the necessary paperwork – risk assessments, electrical and gas certification and public liability insurance.
We have a 5* hygiene rating from our local council
We are self sufficient for power – we can run off propane and battery power so we don’t need to plug in (we just need a level place to park) Our measurements are 4.3m x 2.3 m wide.
We use local and fairtrade suppliers for our coffee, tea and cake. Our coffee cups are compostable, Our cutlery is made from plant starch and our plates from bagasse – a waste product from wheat production. Our lids are recyclable plastic.
Our cake is supplied in Tupperware boxes which are constantly passed back and forth between ourselves and our cake supplier to prevent waste of single use cardboard boxes. Our waste collection company segregates and streams waste.